Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Class 6 with Mrs Shoesmith


Welcome to Year 2!


We have an exciting half term ahead of us. We have our class assembly towards the end of the half term and we're going on another school trip! We have chosen to go to the Peak Wildlife park where the children will be able to observe animals in their habitats. Our favourite part is watching the penguins get fed!



 Summer 1 2024



In English, we will continue to practise using capital letters and the correct punctuation correctly. We will also be focussing on improving our writing by using adjectives, adverbs and similes. We will be continuing to learn different spelling rules and using these words in our writing. The genres we will be looking at are traditional tales and writing a recount of our school trip.



In maths, we will be looking at splitting numbers and shapes into fractions. The fractions we are looking at will be halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. We will be continuing to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will also be looking at adding and subtracting 2 2-digit numbers.




Our Geography lessons will be ‘Why do people go on holiday to the beaches in Blackpool?’ We will revisit the different countries of the UK and look at the differences between coastal towns and Wilmslow. We will also be looking at the human and physical features of the coast.




In Science we will be looking at the lifecycles of different animals and plants.





There will be excitement in Art when we learn how to join pieces of material together by sewing and trying to create a wallet or a bag.



In RE the children will be looking at what a community is and why it is important to different religions.


In Music the children will continue to develop their ability to recognise how sounds and instruments can be used expressively and combined to create music in response to a stimulus.


In Computing, the children will be looking at how to use an algorithm in a program. They will be using a  sequence of instructions to achieve a purpose.




S.M.S.C and P.S.H.E

In PSHE the children will continue with the My Happy Mind programme. This term is all about setting goals and feeling good about ourselves.


In our indoor PE sessions, we will continue to develop gymnastic skills focussing on stretching, curling and arching movements. 

In our outdoor sessions we will focus on invasion games, learning net and wall skill games.

Please make sure all children have their correct PE uniform in school. No football shirts are allowed.

We have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays



PE Uniform: 

  • Plain T-Shirt the colour of your child’s House (red, blue, yellow, green) - No football shirts
  • Plain tracksuit bottoms (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Plain hoodie / sweatshirt (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Shorts (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Suitable trainers 

Please make sure that everything is labelled clearly with their names.

Children with long hair should have it tied up please.




Maths and comprehension homework will be given out on a Wednesday and are to be handed back in by the following Monday



Uniform Reminder!

Please make sure that all of your child's uniform is clearly labelled, especially their jumper and their coat as they are the items of clothing most likely to get lost! Thank you.



If you would like to speak to me, please come and have a chat with me at the end of the school day or send me an email:



Curriculum map for Summer 1

Click here for more information about the subjects being taught this half term