Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Welcome to Class 2 with Miss Daniels!

Welcome to Reception Class 2. Miss Daniels is the Class Teacher, and is excited to welcome yourself, and your child to

The Wilmslow Academy.

Miss Christie, Mrs Lewis, Miss Powell and Mrs Hamey are our outstanding SEN TA's. They support our children with additional needs and are passionate about ensuring our SEN children meet their full potential, knowing that every child can learn, just not in the same way.

Miss Begum is our Higher Level Teaching Assistant, and will be joining Class 2 on a Tuesday, all day.

"We pride ourselves on getting to know our children as individuals and helping them become fantastic members of The Wilmslow Academy! Learning new skills is so important in Reception and we do a lot of our learning through play. In Reception, the children can follow their own interests, and topics are often catered to what the children like! Our Reception class is a creative, fun and warm environment to explore and learn in. We focus on subjects such as Phonics, Literacy and Maths, as these are the fundamental areas of Early Learning."

As well as learning new educational skills, we work on becoming members of a new school community. We learn to form new friendships, be more independent, follow structures and routines and to let our big personalities shine.

We feel it is really important to work closely with parents and carers in order to support your child's learning and development. If you have any questions or worries, or if you would like to talk to us about your child's progress, please let us know and we can arrange a time to meet for a chat. Please take a look at our half termly curriculum map to see the exciting learning that we will be covering in class. 

To contact me, please feel free to email- e.daniels@thewilmslowacademy.co.uk 

Alternatively, you can catch me at the end of the school day.

Please note, our PE days are Wednesday (outside) and Thursday (inside). Our Welly Walk day is a Tuesday.

Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school, this will be sent home at the end of each half term. Please also ensure your child has wellies in school at all times, as we may use them throughout the week. 


Check out Twitter to see the adventures we get up to, throughout our Reception journey!

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes are a very important part of developing children's communication and language skills in the Early Years.

In Reception, we sing Nursery Rhymes and songs every day to boost our children's language development. Nursery Rhymes are a key thread in the curriculum that run through Maths lessons, Phonics and English lessons, dedicated Nursery Rhyme sessions and transition times.

Click on the link below for an A to Z of Nursery Rhymes to enjoy with your child at home. Why not choose one a week and learn it together off by heart?

Nursery Rhymes and Songs- A to Z from the BBC

The Classroom

Outdoor Environment

Special Events

Mystery Reader

Who will be next?

Email Miss Daniels to book in.

Fiadh's mummy had us captured with a family favourite! Ariyan's mummy surprised us with his favourite story, which made us giggle! Harry was so excited when his mummy surprised him in school. We love dinosaurs! Our mystery reader today was Jorgie's mummy. Surely Class 2 would share their pudding with the tiger who came for tea? Laiths dad braved his poorly foot to surprise Laith for Mystery Reader. Miss Daniels doesn't think class 2 have ever been so quiet!
We love to embrace the magic of cheeky animals. Especially this monkey. Fiadh's daddy shared a firm favourite from the White household.  The snail and the whale is a firm favourite in Class 2, thank you for sharing Maryam & Maryam's daddy. Five minutes peace is definitely something mummy's dream of. Thank you to Athenas mummy for sharing. Maybe it gave the children some ideas for mothers day?


Who doesn't love a bit of Peppa Pig? Jorgie's Daddy shared Jorgie's favourite Peppa Pig book with Class 2 today.