Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy


Click on the links below to download a policy. If the policy you require is not listed please contact the school office.

If you would prefer a paper copy of any the information on any part of the website then please contact the school office and we will get one for you free of charge.

Teaching and Learning Policies

Acceptable use of ICT

Accessibility plan

Collective Worship

Curriculum Policy

EYFS policy


Marking and Feedback policy

Relationships and Health Education

SEND policy

SEND Local offer

Teaching and learning

PSHE Policy

RSHE Policy


Admissions and Attendance

 Please go to our Admissions page to view our Admissions policy


Attendance and Truancy

Pupils with Health Needs Attendance Policy


Code of conduct for all staff

Complaints Policy

Suspension and Exclusion arrangements

Whistleblowing policy


Safeguarding and Child Protection

Anti-Bullying procedure inc. Cyber Bullying

Child Gone Missing

Children Missing Education

DBS policy

Wider Discriminatory policy

Intimate Care

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Racial incident policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection Amended C19 Addendum 

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Social Media Code of Conduct for parents

Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation

Prevent Policy

Working together to Safeguard Children

Radicalisation Support page

Data Protection

This statement confirms that, at The Wilmslow Academy, we do not store or process any form of biometric data, such as fingerprints or retina scans.

The Board of Trustees and data protection officer (DPO) will review this statement on at least an annual basis. The next scheduled review date for this statement is Autumn Term 2024.

If the school does decide to store or process biometric data, a policy will be implemented for the processing of such data, which would be made available on the school website. Any changes made to the school’s position on the processing of biometric data will be clearly communicated to all staff, parents and pupils.

If you have any questions about this statement, please contact the DPO on dpo@aet.cheshire.sch.uk


Data Protection

Freedom of Information

Photographic and video image

Social media

Pupils' Personal Electronic Devices Policy 

To see our privacy notices and find out more about how the Aspire Educational Trust protect personal data click here







Health and Safety

Supporting children with medical needs

First Aid policy


School and Wider Community


Before and After School club

Bomb Threat Policy


Community Cohesion

Charging and Remissions

Equality Information and Objectives

Freedom of Information

 ICO’s model publication scheme

Outdoor procedures

Premises Management

School Uniform