Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Our curriculum 

The Wilmslow Academy strives to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is research informed and evidence based to ensure the best possible outcomes for every child. Our curriculum delivers the National Curriculum in an exciting and purposeful way – cross-curricular links are exploited to make learning interesting and meaningful. The curriculum is enhanced through memorable experiences which include: visits, visitors, trips and special events throughout the year. The teaching of English and Mathematics along with the teaching of thinking skills (meta-cognition) ensure pupils gain essential skills, understanding and knowledge, which allow them to become independent in their learning. They are taught to be active learners, develop their own self-regulation strategies and to use life long learning strategies enabling them to become independent and resilient learners. 

Maths and English continue to be taught every day and build on what the children already know.




Our intention, design and implementation document can be found here: Intent and Implementation Document

Download our Writing Curriculum document 

Download our English at The Wilmslow Academy Document



Download our Intent and Implementation Document 

Download our Shared Reading Curriculum 

Find out more about Little Wandle 

Download our Little Wandle Parent Presentation

Have a look at Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Progression

Explore the Little Wandle Website so you can support your child at home saying their sounds and writing their letter.

Little Wandle Resources for Home

Reception Autumn 1 sounds

Reception Autumn 2 sounds

Reception Spring sounds

Year 1 sounds

How to form capital letters

 Little Wandle Useful Videos

How we teach blending

How we teach tricky words

Children from Reception to Year 2 are taught phonics daily using the Little Wandle scheme. To find out more, please visit the Class 1 page.

We endorse a balanced approach to the teaching of reading and draw on resources from a range of sources and various texts whilst also following the Little Wandle reading scheme. 

The National Curriculum outlines what must be taught to each year group in English and mathematics. 


The intention, design and implementation of our mathematics curriculum can be found here: Maths curriculum design, intent and impact 

Please click here to view our Maths map

A overview of the Ready to progress document can be found in this document. RtP overview




Lots of useful information for parents, including an explanation of the mathematical terms, can be found at OxfordOwl. 

IThis link to Third Space Learning, provides some examples of what the terms mean in practice https://thirdspacelearning.com/blog/primary-maths-dictionary/#113-p

In addition, you can find useful tips on how to support your child in acquiring and using knowledge of times tables here  Helping your child with multiplication and division. Follow the links below to find guidance on the way bar modelling can be applied to different types of calculation.

An introduction to bar modelling

Bar modelling: addition and subtraction

Bar modelling: multiplication and division

Bar modelling: fractions


To find out more please click on the relevant subject below

Art and Design - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - Golden Threads in Art and Design

Computing - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points

Design and Technology - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact  Long Term Plan - End Points

EYFS- Curriculum Intent, Design and Impact -  End Points

Geography - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points

History- Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points 

Music- Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points

PE - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long term Plan - End Points

Science - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long term planscience long term plan 2024.docx - End Points (Knowledge) - End Point (Working Scientifically)

MFL -Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact  - Long Term Plan -End Points

PSHE - Curriculum Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points

Religious Education - Curriculum, Intent, Design & Impact - Long Term Plan - End Points

Parents can find out more about the curriculum by reading the overviews below.  You will find our current year's curriculum in detail as well as a look at what exciting learning opportunities lie ahead! If you would like further information on the detailed curriculum for each year group please visit their class page. This curriculum overview is sent home to parents each half term and available by contacting the school.


EYFS curriculum overview 2023 -2024              EYFS Early Learning Goals overview

.Year 1 curriculum overview 2024-25          

Year 2 curriculum overview 2023-24                 

Year 3 curriculum overview 2023-24               

Year 4 curriculum overview 2023-24                 

Year 5 curriculum overview 2024-2025             

Year 6 curriculum overview 2023-2024             



Our curriculum will evolve and change as we are inspired by events and changes in the wider world. Our visits and workshops will reflect the best learning opportunities we can provide at that time.

 Please click on this link for instructions on how to get MyMaths to work our an iPad or iPhone.


To find out more about how we are complying with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or Special Educational Needs, please refer to our: