Starting school for the first time is a very important step for both the child and the parent/carer. We feel it is important that you get to know us and the school. For this reason we would love to welcome you to visit us before your child starts school. Please contact school to make an appointment to meet Mrs Clowes (Principal) who will explain the school’s core values, aims and the way we operate on a day to day basis. She will also answer any questions you may have and give you an opportunity to tour the school during the school day.-
Tel: 01625 466910
The Aspire Educational Trust is consulting in line with the Admissions Code regarding amendments to admissions arrangements and the proposed policy is available below:
- AET Consultation Document
- Proposed AET Admissions Arrangements and Policy for 2026-2027
Reception intake
Online -
Telephone - 0300 123 5012
Email - |
Address Admissions Cheshire East Council Children and Families Service Floor 7 c/o Municipal Building Earl Street Crewe CW1 2BJ
Please read the policies below for further information regarding admission arrangements including our oversubscription criteria
Aspire Trust Admissions Policy - 2023-2024
AET Trust Admissions policy 2024 -2025
AET Trust Admissions policy 2025-2026
2024 Appeals Admissions Timetable
The admission arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeal Code
The Aspire Educational Trust has consulted in line with the Admissions Code regarding amendments to admissions arrangements and the outcome and determined policy are available below: