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The Wilmslow Academy

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YEAR 6  



Year 6 is fun, challenging and exciting. This page has been written to help Year 6 children (and their

families) get the most out of their final year at primary school.


Year 6 children, you will find links to websites where you can revisit and practise what you have learnt at

school. There is also information to help you feel happy and comfortable, so that you are able to do your

very best.


Year 6 parents, you will find information about the SATs tests and applying for a place at high school.


  When should I apply for a place at high school?

Most Year 6 pupils transfer to Wilmslow High School. It is important that places are applied for as soon as

you receive the application forms from the LA as the school is often over-subscribed.

Click here to visit the Cheshire East school admissions page


Alternatively, you can contact Cheshire East Council School Admissions Service:

Tel: 0845 111 0304

Fax: 01270 686 491 


Parents are free to send their children to any school they wish. In recent years, some of our Year 6

children have transferred to other high schools in Cheshire or to the independent sector.


 Where can I find out more about SATs?

TheSchoolRun.com website has lots of useful information for parents about Year 6. Click on 'School Year'

at the top of their main page for a drop down menu, including 'Year 6 SATs'.

Click here to visit TheSchoolRun website


I'm a bit worried about moving into Year 6 and taking the SATs.
Don't worry - you are not alone. Many children across the country feel the same way, but there is lots of

help available at school and online. Talk to friends and family, or a trusted adult at school, who will do

their best to help you. 

Click here for more advice and support


What reading books do you recommend?

First of all, ask your friends what they are reading. Maybe you would enjoy the same books. Online there

are lists of recommended books. This is a list of 100 books from the TES website that was voted for by

teachers. How many of them have you read? Can you read them all before you finish Year 6?

Click here to visit the TES website


How can I practise my maths at home?

If you want to revise what you have learnt in school, you can visit the Khan Academy website, which has

short video clips to help you with every maths topic.

Click here to visit Khan Academy website

You have a login for MyMaths and there are lots of activities on there to help you, too. Don't forget about

Times Tables Rockstars which will help you become fluent with your times tables.  


How can I learn SPaG terminology at home?

Do you confuse the Present Perfect and the Present Progressive? Do you mix up antonyms and synonyms?

If you do, have a look at The National Curriculum, where all the SPAG terms are explained.

Click here to read the glossary of SPaG terms from The National Curriculum

The Englicious site is also full of explanations if you are stuck.

Click here to visit the Englicious site

You can also use your SPaG homework book, which contains explanations of how to recognise the various parts of grammar you have been learning over the past four years.

Spelling is the 'S' in SPaG. You need to try to learn the statutory 200 words by the end of Year 6 and a

range of words containing different patterns or rules. You have been learning these since Year 3, so you

will know many of them already. You can find the list of words in two lists here and here.

Your weekly spellings are available to practise on the Learning Platform. Use your login to see past and

future spellings and be a champion speller.    


When is the Year 6 residential?